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Kiwanis Pancake Supper at Centre Mall

Category: SCCS Events

Date: October 8, 2024

Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Make plans to attend the annual Kiwanis Pancake Supper on Tuesday, October 8! Hot pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage will be served at the Centre Mall from 5-7pm. Freewill donations support school trips to the State Capital in Des Moines. Suggested freewill donation is $10 per person (2 & under free). Our 5th graders went to Des Moines on Friday, Sept. 20, and we are grateful the Kiwanis helps make this important learning experience possible! Our 5th graders do their part with this fundraiser by serving as pancake runners, serving drinks, and cleaning tables. We hope you can come!