Biblical Worldview
Perspective matters. 
And at Sioux Center Christian School, we are committed to the Reformed Christian perspective, which is lived out through the Teaching for Transformation framework.
We want your children to experience a unified voice when it comes to how we view the world and our place in it.
We want to reinforce what you are also teaching at home because we believe students benefit from hearing Truth throughout their entire day!
Teaching for Transformation (TfT)
is an important part of the SCCS culture and a framework for how we deliver our curriculum to students.
You will hear a lot about TfT at SCCS!
Teaching for Transformation helps us live out our mission by defining what it means to be a disciple (head), why we have discipleship habits (heart), and how we practice being a disciple (hands).
Each subject and every activity we do is taught through the TfT framework.
TfT’s main principles are:
Deep Hope:
The teacher’s goals for student learning. What they hope will be accomplished, learned, and understood.
The theme that helps students connect to God’s Story. It is referenced in each classroom and is invitational – encouraging students to see how their learning is important to the Kingdom Story.
These are the habits and practices that our students use to see how they have been created as disciples for Christ. Our eleven throughlines (discipleship characteristics) define who God calls us to be because we are His people.
The throughlines we are learning as growing disciples:
God Worshiper
Students celebrate who God is, what He has done and is doing, and what He has created. We ask them to stand in awe and wonder of Him and His promises. Students see this worship as a way of life and grow in appreciation for God’s grace in their faith journey.
Word Applier
Students learn the stories of Scripture, seeing God’s faithfulness in the lives of His people, including their own. They understand the summary of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. They are reminded that every square inch we explore, learn, discern, or encounter in education and life is informed by a strong understanding of the Bible.
Image Reflector
Students are encouraged to develop their talents and gifts to reflect God and serve others, and see God’s image in others. The more Christ-like our actions are, the more clearly Christ’s light shines in a dark world.
Truth Finder
Students will understand that when other “things” are more important to us than our relationship with God, they become idols, pulling our attention and hearts away from God’s story. Students are challenged to identify, understand, and discern idols and then respond as modern-day prophets.
Order Discoverer
God’s creation is not random. It is full of order and patterns. There is purpose and planning in God’s creation, and through their learning our students are invited to discover their part of that plan.
Earth Keeper
Students will respond to God’s call to be stewards of all of creation, including mankind. They will reclaim and relearn how to respectfully treat the world/universe and all things contained in it, which respects God.
Beauty Maker
As image bearers of a creative God, students will glorify and praise God by creating that which is beautiful and pleasing to Him. This is a joyful duty students offer as a sacrifice of praise.
Justice Seeker
The world is not as God intended it to be. Everything is tainted by sin. As His disciples, our students need to respond to God’s call to act as agents of restoration, respecting the stories and hurts of others and identifying and responding to injustices.
Creation Enjoyer
Our students are encouraged to look at, talk about, and study the presence of God in creation, in people, and the world around us. When we pause to recognize and give thanks for God’s brilliant creation, ordinary things become extraordinary.
Servant Worker
We serve others as Christ served us. Our students can bring joy and healing to others through service, looking for ways to bring about change, heal brokenness, improve situations for people, and build community.
Community Builder
Students will be active pursuers and builders of community in their classrooms, their neighborhoods, and in the global village they are part of. We seek to be loving and joyful in our work and play, and our classrooms will be communities of grace where students will walk and work together in peace.
Formational Learning Experiences (FLEx):
In order to develop the skills of discipleship, students must practice – all under the direction of a master teacher.
Our students have the opportunity to engage in many opportunities that help them practice living God’s Story, meeting real needs of real people with real work.