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since 1905


IGNITE the VISION for God's Kids 

CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS on the Future Blazer Center

God is so good! Since 2019, we have been dreaming and planning for this generation-impacting step to IGNITE the VISION for God's kids!
Thanks to giving decisions made by many supporters, dirt is being moved, foundations are being laid, walls are being secured in place, and learning spaces are being formed, so God's kids will continue to be treasured, trained, and transformed for generations to come!
Join us in praying that God will cover every worker in safety and focus over the 18 months of construction. May every ounce of skill and strength poured into the Blazer Center glorify God! 
We also pray that generous giving decisions will continue to be made, so we can keep moving toward completely funding the $13.7 million expansion.


We look forward to August 2025 when our students can fill these spaces - learning and living God's Story!

Click HERE to RESERVE your SPOT at one of our Summer Leadership Briefings…

Meet our new head of school, Paul Brenner and his wife, Kim, hear the story of their education journey and how God has called them to SCCS. 
Paul Ross will also give an update on the exciting construction progress being made with the Blazer Center and share how giving decisions have made the start of this important space possible (and while you're at school, you can actually see the construction progress from outside or from classroom windows inside!).


Two date options: Tuesday, July 9 or Wednesday, July 10

Time: Noon - 12:50 (we are committed to ending on time so you can get back to work)
Where: SCCS Orchestra Room
Lunch will be provided


Limited seating! Click here to RESERVE your spot…
If these two sessions fill up, we plan to offer additional dates. 



Will you prayerfully consider how you can help IGNITE student learning?


November 2023: Update on the Blazer Center campus expansion plans

Our board of trustees and school leadership have been facing the reality of a challenging economic climate with constantly increasing building costs. They have been actively engaging in reality-based planning to accomplish our original objective of building transforming, meaningful spaces for a growing and flourishing school that would still fall within the original total project cost of $14.7 million approved by the SCCS Society.

Through this planning process, they made decisions that prioritized our multi-purpose performance, athletic, and gathering space, and six middle school classrooms. Additionally, a “value engineered” design/build process was approved to allow coordination between our trusted local contractors and designers to propose more financially efficient solutions throughout the planning and building process. The decision was made to save the 3rd grade classrooms and some team rooms for the next step in our plans. 

The strength of support received throughout the process and the giving level we are at helped our board of trustees make the important decision to move forward. The construction bid was awarded to Hoogendoorn Construction for $13.7 million, which is $1 million below our original estimate!  If we had continued with the original plans (designed in 2019), the cost would have put us well over $14.7 million.  


Enjoy the fly-through video, below...

It was made July 2022 so does not reflect the updated Nov 2023 plans, but is fun to see!

Click anywhere on the image to zoom in on the plans.