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since 1905

Love and Logic

We’re nowhere near perfect,

and we know your children aren’t either.
We live in a sinful world and need consistent encouragement and – sometimes – loving correction to follow the path Jesus calls us to.
We love your children, and want to see them healthy, thriving, and growing at Sioux Center Christian School.
This is why we’ve implemented the Love and Logic approach at our school to reach students when they are struggling.


The Love and Logic approach prioritizes a loving attitude towards children and preserving the dignity of the child in all interactions.


What does that look like? 

Your child will experience relationships based on the Love and Logic approach, which is characterized by these concepts:
Adults who consistently demonstrate patience and prioritize maintaining the child’s dignity in all interactions leads to…
children who have opportunities to make mistakes yet know that we continue to love them unconditionally
Adults who use caring eye-contact and gentle, calm voices to communicate leads to…
children who remain actively engaged and trusting in their relationships
Adults who offer empathy before consequences and bad news leads to…
children who experience the security of having consistent limits
Adults who facilitate problem-solving, but resist the urge to come up with all the answers leads to…
children who are given the gift of thinking about problems and having ownership in the solutions
Adults who believe in each student and want them to thrive at our school leads to…
children who know that they are loved, valued, and play an essential role in God’s story at SCCS
SCCS’s faculty and staff members receive training in the Love and Logic approach and are well-equipped to apply these techniques in interactions with your children.