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since 1905

Donate to the Building Fund

THANK YOU for choosing to have a role in the GIVING STORY of the Blazer Center!


IMAGINE the lasting impact you will have on God's kids… now and for generations to come!



The year-end $150,000 Gift match has been completely unlocked and over $300,000 was given to build the Blazer Center in the last three weeks of 2024!
We're working on sharing with you the full generosity of God's people in 2024… watch for an email in mid-January with the report.


If you are giving a gift in memory of a loved one, please share your loved one's name in the Additional Comments box.
If you prefer to donate by check, please mail your donation to:
Sioux Center Christian School
630 First Ave SE
Sioux Center, IA 51250

Learn more about our vision to ignite student opportunities to learn and thrive while deepening our transformational impact on lives through the Blazer Center campus expansion...